Delectable - Food TCG - Activity Archives

06 / 25 / 2019
- Wishing Well: hottea09, wontonsoup14
- Unreleased Cards Vote: cookiedough06, brie13, blackbeans13
- Wheel of Fortune: wontonsoup15
- Pick A Random: blackbeans10, frenchtoast15, tofu14
- Slots: lemons13, lemons02, bibimbap08, + 2 piece of cakes
- Tic Tac Toe: cookiedough09, animalcookies14, + 1 piece of cake
- Memory: tofu03, hottea10, + 2 piece of cakes
- Higher or Lower: spinach08, wontonsoup01
- Hangman: corndogs04, lemons03
- Card Puzzle: spinach02, animalcookies05, + 2 piece of cakes
- Freebies: bibimbap13, bananas06, tacos01, + 2 piece of cakes
- Card Claim: macarons06, sushi11
- Blackjack: wontonsoup09, frenchtoast10
- Update Freebie (06/25/2019): macarons01
- Starter Pack: macarons02, macarons12, coffee14, animalcookies07, animalcookies04, spinach07, tacos01, wontonsoup01, frenchtoast04, corndogs12